ElectrOasis Latin Beach Festival

This month the ‘Entertainment Resort’ Grand Oasis Cancun hosts the 4th edition of its ElectrOasis Latin Beach festival, bringing some of the biggest names in Electro Latino music to our Beach Club and Arena. This year’s festival runs from 24 June to 22 July with...

Oasis Jazz U Festival

  This month the Grand Oasis Cancun plays host to the 6th edition of the Oasis Jazz U festival and it’s another fantastic line-up of international artists. This edition focuses on smooth jazz and runs from the 18th to the 27th May.

What kind of spring breaker are you?

[playbuzz-item url=»//www.playbuzz.com/oasisf10/what-kind-of-spring-breaker-are-you»]

Wedding Quiz

[playbuzz-item url=»//www.playbuzz.com/oasisf10/where-should-your-wedding-be»]

2017 el año para visitar Oasis

    El 2017 Comienza y en Oasis Hotels & Resorts queremos que vengas a visitarnos. Hemos estado trabajando mientras todos dormían para traerles a nuestros huéspedes y clientes , las mejores versiones de nuestros hoteles hasta ahora. Uno a uno, nuestros hoteles han...

Spring Break 2017

It’s nearly that time of year again when we welcome thousands of students to the sun-drenched Grand Oasis Cancun; the heart of Cancun’s Spring Break celebrations. This year we have our biggest event yet, from February 4th to April 14th our Beach Club welcomes some of the biggest...

Spring Break 2017

It’s nearly that time of year again when we welcome thousands of students to the sun-drenched Grand Oasis Cancun; the heart of Cancun’s Spring Break celebrations. This year we have our biggest event yet, from February 4th to April 14th our Beach Club welcomes some of the biggest...

Buceo, una aventura de otro mundo

Lo más hermoso siempre está oculto. Cancún no es simplemente un destino turístico más, a simple vista, los magníficos colores del Caribe nos deslumbran desde la primera mirada, observar ese color turquesa que el mar de Cancún tiene en un día soleado (que son mas de 300 al año) es...

Jazz and Latin rhythms at Oasis Jazz U 2015

The fourth edition of the Oasis Jazz Festival is upon us with an unbeatable line-up that offers you a fusion of Latin jazz, funk, flamenco and tropical music from artists such as Diego ‘El Cigala’, Eddie Palmieri, and Hector Infanzon.

Jazz y ritmos latinos en Oasis Jazz U 2015

La cuarta edición del festival de Jazz de Oasis está aquí y esta vez el elenco que engalana las noches de este magnífico evento es inmejorable, una fusión de jazz latino, funk, flamenco y música tropical está preparada para deleitar a los asistentes con las actuaciones de...