Contact Center

You will be able to consult all the doubts that you have about our hotels and make quotations without commitment and reservations at the best price. Our collection system is 100% secure and our personalized attention will give you the best possible experience If you need any extra in addition to your room reservation, such as transportation, tours or car rental, you can also contact him from the Contact Center without any problem.

We have a Contact Center available every day of the week from 8am to 9pm (GMT-5).

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Contact us dialing our telephone numbers, using the chat of our website, through WhatsApp, or if you prefer, leave your telephone number and we will call you.

Call to our Contact Center +52 55 4170 9258
+52 998 240 7091

Oasis Hotels & Resorts does not make phone calls for promotional purposes. We will contact you, only when you request it.

Contact Center

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