Cancun’s extraordinary summer
The summer holiday season ended with excellent news for our area’s tourism industry, with hotels reporting a turnover of approximately US$461M for the period 14 July to 17 August.
The state of Quintana Roo boasted an average room occupancy rate of nearly 98 per cent in its main tourist hotspots, rising to 100 per cent during much of July, putting it at the head of all destinations in Mexico.
The recent global financial crisis effected room occupancy rates and turnover in the city of Cancun, however, 2014 looks to show that the worst has past as Cancun continues to be one of the world’s most popular destinations and Mexico’s number one tourism hotspot. The governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge commented:
“The results of the holiday season confirm that investing in the promotion and expansion of flight routes was a good decision. We are going to continue developments through our participation in tourism fairs throughout the rest of the year”.

Cancun summer 2014
Oasis Hotels & Resorts continue to be a major player in the area. With room occupancy rates of over 90 per cent during July and August, Oasis continues to consolidate itself as an important piece in the economic, social, touristic, and cultural development of the Mexican Caribbean.
Cancun will continue to face obstacles for years to come, however, the right political decisions, entrepreneurial vision, and above all, the efforts and pride of the people who work day to day in this city, provides much encouragement for the future of Mexico’s most popular tourist destination.