20 activities to do on your vacations

Our region is filled with natural beauty and fun for all visitors; discover this for yourself with these 20 fantastic activities to do when on vacation with us.

Don’t let the rain spoil your vacation

The rain in the Mexican Caribbean I’m of the opinion that nothing can ruin spending time with your family, partner, or friends when you want to be together and have a good time, and that includes the weather. It is the time of year when many escape the cold, harsh winter...

The legend of the aluxes

Mexico is a country extremely rich in culture, beliefs, and history, so it is not surprising that it is also rich in mythology, which is reflected in the iconography, customs, and legends past and present. In Mexico you can find magical places and folktales wherever you go, and...

The destination with the best adventure parks in Mexico

There are several things that motivate your choice when you pick a travel destination. Perhaps it is a place you visit yearly with your family, or maybe it is the place where you found love, other times we are drawn to adventure and in our region adventure is always present.