Don’t forget anything for your trip
The vacations are approaching, the Oasis hotel is booked, plane tickets are paid and we are almost ready to travel and leave behind (at least for a few weeks) all the stress of the big city, work and routine, but wait a minute, are you sure you have what you need to have an amazing vacation? Nothing should come between you and your vacation, so here are these important tips so that you don’t forget any detail and your next trip will be everything you’ve always wanted it to be.
Enjoy the sun

for an enviable tan, don’t forget anything on your trip.
Many people who travel to the beach do so to escape for a few days from the bad weather and low temperatures, so enjoying the days going from the beach to the beach and back is the choice of many, as well as an excellent way to relax., but in these modern times in which pollution affects the atmosphere it is important to know that prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of a sunscreen can be dangerous, so do not forget your sunscreen, preferably an ecological one, otherwise you can affect the flora and fauna of the place where you love to vacation, to choose a good sunscreen you only need to avoid those containing chemicals such as paraben, cinnamate, benzophenone or camphor derivatives.
On the other hand if your plan is to get an incredible tan Remember to be the envy of everyone when you return home, an ecological carrot suntan lotion is an excellent option, just remember to be careful with the hours you spend in the sun because of the dangers that we mentioned before, there is also the possibility of using a sunscreen that protects you and gives you a beautiful bronze color when you return home, finally do not forget to take an Aloe Vera gel, at night your skin will thank you and you can go out or go to sleep much calmer.
Forget the technology
It is true that many of us must always be connected to the network or in contact with our clients due to our work responsibilities, however, it is of utmost importance that the moments we take to take a vacation are not only for our own benefit, but also for the benefit of our clients. The main topic is about our family, friends or partner and not about the routine that we have on a regular basis, choose a couple of good books, another couple of good magazines and forget for a few days of social networks, phone calls and other distractions that complicate you to look at the landscape, remember that our parents and grandparents were always on vacation without the need to be in contact all the time, forget everything and rest it has been said!
Time for sports
We know you definitely don’t plan on running a marathon during your next vacation, but playing on the beach with a ball, whether it’s volleyball, soccer or even football, is a lot of fun and of course a great way to make memories with your family. or to meet new friends, organizing a little game on the beach is always an excellent way to meet those who may be your friends for the rest of the trip, so don’t forget to add to your travel items a ball, a frisbie or some other item that promotes healthy fun on your next vacation.
As obvious as it may seem

Documents ready, happy travels.
It might seem that the recommendation of not forgetting all the necessary papers for the trip is superfluous, however it is of utmost importance to double check each of the documents that we must take to our trip to the beach, official identification, passport, plane or truck tickets, driver’s license (you may decide to rent a car to go out to visit) and a good map or guide of the place we visit are among the most important documents that we must take to the beach. important documents, no matter if it takes you some time, remember to check that all your documents are with you in your suitcase or carry-on bag.
There are many recommendations for your next vacation, but if you remember these basic tips and add a touch of intuition, your next trip will undoubtedly be one of those that you simply can’t miss. are remembered forever.