Next destination, Aculco

Water fall in Aculco

Another getaway destination that we propose in these lines is Aculco, a magical town in Mexico since 2015.

To travel in a different way and escape from the typical city plans, in this territory you will find everything you need for a few dream days full of natural and adventure activities. You can’t leave without buying one of its famous cheeses or handicrafts.

Aculco magical town

This magical town is full of incredible natural attractions, such as the natural sanctuary. The most outstanding feature is the La Concepción waterfall or basaltic columns. For those who have not yet heard of them, they should be aware of their great importance.

We can also find another beautiful waterfall, El Tixhiñu. At present it could be considered unknown, since many citizens have not heard of it, much less tourists.

These waterfalls or basaltic columns have a drop of about 25 and 15 meters and in them you can perform multiple adventure activities, such as rappelling. Hiking and camping can also be practiced in the surrounding area.

A similar natural wonder is found in Huasca de Ocampo, and these are the Basaltic Prisms. These, like those formed in the natural sanctuary of Aculco, have a volcanic past, geometric shape and great height.

Aculco, State of Mexico

Located in the State of Mexico, Aculco is known for being surrounded by mountains, waterfalls and many other natural elements that make it a unique place. It is also easily recognizable by its great climate and mostly white buildings.

This territory was formed by the Otomi in the year 10 AD. Later it was the Mexica who conquered the territory in the 14th century. In the XVI century the Spaniards already lived in Aculco, until the independence revolution in which the municipality was created.

During the stay of the Spaniards in the territory they built the Parish and Excoenvento de San Jerónimo, which has many European but also indigenous references. Over the years, more architectural elements were built, such as the sundial.

Aculco de Espinosa

Vegetation in Aculco

The name Aculco comes from the Nahuatl language and means ”place where the water twists”. This is due to the natural attractions that make up Aculco, such as its waterfalls, sanctuaries and parks.

We can highlight La Calzada and La Ceja, both forests in the vicinity of this magical town. In them you can see a variety of native species, as well as spend the day and camp at night.

Continuing with activities in the middle of nature, we can find the Ñado Dam, which in Otomí means ”head of stone”. There you can practice sport fishing, hiking and much more.

For those who like adventure activities, the canyon will be one of your favorite plans. There, both professional climbers and beginners will be able to climb in the middle of an incredible landscape bathed by waterfalls.

About the Author
Patu Soto | Me gradué en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Durante estos años, he podido desarrollarme como periodista y fotógrafa amateur en el periódico El Ibérico ubicado en Londres. También he colaborado y publicado tanto artículos escritos como reportajes fotográficos en varios medios digitales. Tuve la oportunidad de desempeñar labores de Community Manager en el centro cultural japonés Sakigake en Madrid. Actualmente colaboro como Redactora SEO para Oasis Hoteles & Resorts, con sede en Cancún. En mis ratos libres sigo formándome, aprendiendo y conociendo más acerca del mundo digital en general y de los RRHH en particular. Si quieres conocer mi trabajo un poco más, conecta conmigo en mi Linkedin.

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