The Lacandon Jungle

Lacandon Jungle Trip

To visit one of the most popular Mexican jungles in the country you will have to head to the state of Chiapas, specifically to the shores of Lake Miramar, where the Lacandona Jungle is located.

Mexican jungle

In total, the Selva Lacandona covers 1.8 million hectares covering more than 5 municipalities in the state of Chiapas. It is currently one of the world’s 25 biological hotspots, home to endangered species.

This is due, among many reasons, to the arrival of man and his impact on the ecosystem. This has caused that throughout the years the acts carried out by the human being have taken the jungle to the worst state of its more than 200,000 years of existence.

Xiapas Jungle

Within the Lacandon Jungle live more than 1,000 species of animals and more than 3,000 species of plants. Thanks to the continuous rainfall throughout the year, many of the species that are now native to Lacandona have been able to grow and survive. Its humid climate and average temperatures have also generated a perfect ecosystem in which life has proliferated.

Lacandon Jungle: animals

The 50% of birds, 40% of butterflies and 30% of mammals that live in the Selva Lacandona is the percentage of animals known to live in Mexico, so it is of utmost importance to respect, care for and be aware of the situation that the territory is currently experiencing.

The animals that live there are jaguars, tapirs and monkeys, among others. For those who are not familiar with the jaguar, it is a type of carnivorous feline with large black spots on its skin. Tapirs are mammals that weigh between 100 and 300 kilos, one of the species that is in danger of extinction. Among the many varieties of monkeys in the area are the spider monkey and the howler monkey.

La Selva Lacandona: location

The Selva Lacandona is located in the Usumancita River basin, which is within the state of Chiapas and encompasses several of Mexico’s protected natural areas, as well as several municipalities. Near the Lacandon Jungle you will find several tourist attractions that are a must during your visit, such as Palenque.

Flora of the Lacandon Jungle

The flora found here alone is the equivalent of all the plants found in half the states of Mexico.

Among the flora we can observe are red cedars, cedars or ceibas, among many other species. Red cedars are trees that can reach up to 35 meters high, as well as cedars, whose minimum height is 25 meters, but can reach an impressive 50 meters in height.

Finally, we will tell you about ceibas, trees that can reach 70 meters in height and whose particularity lies in the fact that the ancient Mayas considered them sacred.

About the Author
Patu Soto | Me gradué en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Durante estos años, he podido desarrollarme como periodista y fotógrafa amateur en el periódico El Ibérico ubicado en Londres. También he colaborado y publicado tanto artículos escritos como reportajes fotográficos en varios medios digitales. Tuve la oportunidad de desempeñar labores de Community Manager en el centro cultural japonés Sakigake en Madrid. Actualmente colaboro como Redactora SEO para Oasis Hoteles & Resorts, con sede en Cancún. En mis ratos libres sigo formándome, aprendiendo y conociendo más acerca del mundo digital en general y de los RRHH en particular. Si quieres conocer mi trabajo un poco más, conecta conmigo en mi Linkedin.

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