The place where dreams are made…

Restaurant Benazuza

In the Grand Oasis Sens you will find a place where dreams are made, this place is restaurant Benazuza, and like a dream you don’t want to wake up from, the team at Cancun’s best restaurant will take you on a fun, magical, unique, and unexpected journey. At Benazuza you will revel in the pleasure of being pleasantly tricked.

The experience

It is difficult to decide whether we are talking about a culinary experience or a life experience at Benazuza. Being in the hands of two time Michelin star chef Rafael Zafra and his talented team provides more than just a delight for the palate, it warms the heart of those who take their food seriously. The Benazuza experience begins with a series of cocktails that are not only delicious but also the perfect precursor for what is to come, an avalanche of surprises that leave the diner with a full belly and a happy heart.

A sugar cane caipirinha, mojito filled green gelatin balls, a foam mezcal with a special kind of worm, a pina colada that consists of candy floss that melts into pineapple juice that is filled with rum gelatin balls that explode in your mouth, and an invisible margarita, a preamble to the exquisite dinner that was to follow.

The dinner

It is impossible to talk about every little detail that forms the dinner, not only because the culinary processes would be more at home in a laboratory than in a simple kitchen, but also because we are dealing with an Andalusian chef taking on the difficult task of turning the complex flavors of traditional Mexican food into modern masterpieces. Not only does chef Zafra accomplish this with flying colors, he also manages to opens your senses to flavors and textures you did not even know existed.

The impeccable service completes the whole experience, beginning with the bartender who carefully prepares the extraordinary drinks, to the waiters, manager, and chef who come to your table to make sure everything is okay and to explain the dishes being served. The restaurant also boasts an amazing wine list (I opted for an Australian Merlot), and to close the unique experience with a flourish, an incredible dessert that leaves the diner with a huge smile and the desire to return to the place where dreams are made.

The menu is, and should be, a surprise, however here are a few of the dishes that are normally found on the dinner…

Guacamole doritos

Guacamole doritos

Avocado and salmon cannellone

Avocado and salmon cannellone

Gelatin fajitas

Gelatin fajitas

Passion fruit piñata

Passion fruit piñata

Have you visited Benazuza? Let us know what your favorite surprise was.

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