The substance of which dreams are made

Benazuza Restaurant

<<The dinner is a nice concept. It’s the food that comes before the dreams… but when it comes to Benazuza’s cuisine, it doesn’t have to be in that order.>>

If everything depends on the glass through which one looks at it, in Benazuza the glass must be made by the very substance of which dreams are made, Benazuza is above all, the pleasure of being pleasantly deceived.

As in a dream from which you do not want to wake up, the team of the best restaurant in Cancun takes you from the moment you arrive, to live a playful, magical, unique and unexpected experience.


I have a hard time deciding whether to talk about a culinary experience or perhaps a life experience, to put you in the hands of the chef Zafra and his talented team is more than a delight to the palate, it is a delight to the heart of those of us who enjoy the good food. The experience begins with a series of cocktails that are not only delicious but also the perfect prelude to what is to come, an avalanche of surprises, dishes and times that leaves the diner, as the saying goes, with a full belly and a full stomach. heart content.

A Caipirinha sugar cane, a mojito of green spheres, a foam (my favorite) of mezcal with maguey worms, a piña colada prepared in a cloud of sugar that melts in a cascade of pineapple juice and explodes in the mouth its spheres of rum, an invisible margarita, all preamble of the perfect dinnerto come.

The Dinner.

To talk too much about the details that make up the dinner is impossible for me, not only because the processes of the Chef’s molecular food, twice Michelin star, are worthy of a laboratory and not just a simple chef, but also because it is the vision of an Andalusian of the Mexican food and this represents a journey and homage to the flavors of a country immensely rich in palate and tradition, Chef Zafra succeeds without a doubt, deconstructing the most traditional Mexican dishes to give them a new meaning and bring us closer to the story he intends to tell us, we must be attentive and open all our senses, the troubadour is close to tell his story and we better pay attention to taste it.

Of course the efforts coming out of the Benazuza kitchen would be sterile if they were not accompanied by exceptional service that balances the flavor with the storyteller of the journey, so every member of the restaurant, from the manager, the bartender, the waiters and of course the Chef (they all come to your table to make sure you are having a good time) are key pieces in the fabric of the Benazuza concept, the waiters and of course the Chef (they all come to your table to make sure you are having a good time) are key pieces in the fabric that represents the Benazuza concept and I can say that without each one, the experience simply would not be the same, the restaurant also has an excellent wine cellar to accompany the food (I ordered a Australian Merlot) and of course, a dream place like this, has in the desserts the finishing touch that closes a magnificent evening and a unique experience, which leaves the diner with a big smile on his face and the imperative desire to return to the place where the glass where everything is looked at. manufactured by the very substance of dreams.

The menu is and should be a surprise, but here are some of the dishes that are normally included in the dinner.

Doritos with guacamole

Doritos with guacamole

Avocado and salmon cannelloni

Avocado & Salmon Cannelloni

fajitas gellee 2.0

Fajitas gelle 2.0

Passion fruit piñata

Passion fruit piñata

Have you been to Benazuza? Tell us what was your favorite surprise?

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