Miss Tupper Sex en Crazy Hot Coyote

miss tupper sex

miss tupper sex


Actress, presenter and writer, Pilar Ordoñez is the mind and humor behind “Miss Tupper Sex, Manual Sex for Open Women” a book made monologue that speaks without taboos about the most controversial of topics and its instruments: toys, lotions and all kinds of devices. serve as catalysts for the discovery of the mysteries of sex and women. With an open and interesting vision of gender, Pilar presents in this 90-minute monologue the whole curve of female sexuality, from sexual appetite to “fisting”, putting it at the service of the public and the audience. including real testimonials from women and men that highlight the likes and dislikes of the female gender.


Pilar Ordóñez

Using the “Tupper sex” phenomenon – Meeting of women to talk about sex with the sale of  erotic toys., in this show, Pilar shows some of these toys and distributes condoms and lubricants among the audience, creating a lively monologue on sex education, where the audience can learn about sex education.ommunication and humor go hand in hand.

This time Pilar brings to Mexico her Miss Tupper sex and will be presented in different forums in Mexico City, besides of course, the unique presentation in the Club Crazy Hot Coyote of the hotel Oh! By Oasis, This is a show center that is no stranger to this type of humor, as in previous months and with great success, it held the season of “Penelogías, la antología del pene” in charge of Namastr3s producciones, another play that not only educates, but also entertains while breaking taboos.


For this Tour, Pilar, who has previously presented her monologue to other Latin American audiences, has had to adapt her show to the Mexican vocabulary and idiosyncrasy, because as She describes it herself in her blog, If you want them to laugh with you, you have to make yourself understood, which speaks to the meticulous detail that this talented woman puts into each of her monologues.


Miss Tupper Sex

In this way and with the humor that has always characterized him, also nominated for the “Unión de Actores 1998”   awards as best supporting actress for the film “Cha-Cha-Chá”. has delved into the world of “albur” and the culture of our land to masterfully adapt this monologue that will make you laugh, think and of course will raise the temperature in the already “hot” Crazy Hot Coyote. The cost of the ticket is 200 pesos per person and the date is this Saturday, August 29th at 21hrs, in addition, and as every weekend, CHC will offer his show “Cabaret-Burlesque”, the most sensual and spicy of the 3 shows that this incredible show center manages with this type of events, continues to position itself as the number 1 show in Cancun and as a cultural center with international quality.


Tickets will be available in the different Café Nader’s in the city, as well as of course in the facilities of the Oasis Smart Hotel, Oh! By Oasis y en Crazy Hot Coyote, the number of tickets is limited to 150 tickets, so it is important to buy them soon to avoid being left out, we are waiting for you for the sexiest night in Cancun with Pilar Ordóñez  and the sexiest Coyote in the Caribbean.


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