Do you already know Rosarito in Baja California?

Sunset in Rosarito, baja California

Summer vacations are synonymous with beach, sun, sun loungers, delicious meals and lots of relaxation. If, on the other hand, you and your family are more into activities, shopping for handicrafts or sightseeing, there is also a place for that in Rosarito. Enjoy your days off with your loved ones in a place as special as this.

Rosarito’s beaches

Perfect for the best water activities, especially for diving and surfing like a real pro. This destination is so popular because it is one of the best in terms of waves. In addition, you will find the reef where you can snorkel and discover its varied marine fauna.

If you are a real expert in the field, you may be interested in diving in a more professional way. Rosarito Submarine Park specializes in Pacific Ocean diving, find out more.

The beaches are perfect for enjoying loved ones, family games and a great day at the beach. Horseback riding, golf, among other experiences, are also available. Nearby there are restaurants and bars with typical gastronomy of the area, including lobster.

After a hearty meal, you can take long walks along the beach while enjoying the pleasant views of the sea or take an excursion to the Coronado Islands, another experience in which you can observe native species up close and photograph dreamlike landscapes.

Popotla Village in Rosarito

To get to the fishing village of Popotla, head south of the city of Rosarito. The place stands out among tourists for its picturesque fishing atmosphere. It is perfect for those who love seafood, fish and any kind of shellfish, you won’t find fresher products than there!

Rosarito Metropolitan Park

Metropolitan Park If you are thinking of visiting the Metropolitan Park of Rosarito, you should know that this is a circular path of approximately 2 kilometers, very close to the beaches of Rosarito. Those who love hiking, good walks and enjoy encountering plants and animals will love this plan. There is no problem in taking children, as it is a very accessible route even for those who are not in good shape.

In addition to the Metropolitan Park, there are other types of trails, such as El Descanso. Unlike the previous one, this one requires a good physical condition, since its almost 16 kilometers and its route make it more difficult to overcome easily. Its amazing views are sure to make it worth the effort.

Destino alternativo: Cancún

Those who are still looking for more coastal cities where to spend their summer vacations also have the option of booking at the Oasis Hotel Group’s Cancun hotels. They are ideal to escape from the daily routine of work thanks to the excellent massage services of the sensoria spa, the activities that take place inside and outside the hotels or the unbeatable facilities of the same. Take a look at their online page to book a great vacation experience.

About the Author
Patu Soto | Me gradué en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Durante estos años, he podido desarrollarme como periodista y fotógrafa amateur en el periódico El Ibérico ubicado en Londres. También he colaborado y publicado tanto artículos escritos como reportajes fotográficos en varios medios digitales. Tuve la oportunidad de desempeñar labores de Community Manager en el centro cultural japonés Sakigake en Madrid. Actualmente colaboro como Redactora SEO para Oasis Hoteles & Resorts, con sede en Cancún. En mis ratos libres sigo formándome, aprendiendo y conociendo más acerca del mundo digital en general y de los RRHH en particular. Si quieres conocer mi trabajo un poco más, conecta conmigo en mi Linkedin.

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