Mexico City Subway

Maps of Mexico City

Tourists who want to get around Mexico’s immense capital city will be thinking that it will be more comfortable to travel by subway from one place to another during their visit. In order to know the lines that exist and the different delegations of the city, travelers will...
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Aztec pyramids

The pyramids of Tenochtitlán The pyramids found in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan were discovered relatively recently, since the Spaniards, upon their arrival, decided to hide all traces of the Aztec empire. Among its many attractions are the Tepeyac Causeway, the ball game or...
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Aztec symbolic monolith

Aztec symbols

In every culture there is a symbology that lays the foundations of an entire society. Like others, the Aztec culture has been one of the most important and richest that have existed in the world. Aztec symbols and their meanings One of the most important symbols for the ancient...
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Aztec god of death

Aztec gods of death

For those who have read about the Aztec gods and want more, we have compiled information related to those deities related to the underworld, because for the ancient Mexica, death was very important and was present in many areas. Aztec mythological gods Tlaltecuhtli...
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Cielo y catedral de Morelia

Morelia, Michoacán

It is always a good option to enjoy all the hidden corners of the country, and what better way to do it than choosing a specific state like Michoacán, which in Nahuatl means, place of fishermen. Popular municipality in Michoacán: Morelia Morelia is currently one of the best known...
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Zamora Cathedral

Zamora, Michoacán

The city is an important producer of red fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries or raspberries, but in addition to being known for this, it has important tourist attractions that you certainly cannot miss if you finally decide to visit it. Zamora Information First of all, we...
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Mariachi Music

The mariachis

Get to know one of the most acclaimed and popular musical styles of the Mexican country: the mariachi, an artistic creation that was born in the 17th century thanks to the mixture of cultures, customs and traditions of the humblest classes of Mexico. Mexican Mariachis Since the...
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Birthday Mariachi

Mañanitas with mariachi

One of the most popular traditions in Mexico is to sing or play a well-known song called ”las mañanitas”. For generations, professional mariachis have been hired to liven up the evening with this melody. To this day it is not clear who the real composer of this song...
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Zapotec ruins

The Zapotecs

Learn about one of the most numerous indigenous peoples in Mexico today. This culture became, during the pre-Columbian era, one of the most important thanks to its expansion, among other things. Zapotec characteristics Typical Zapotec dwellings were rather rural, built with...
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